Thursday, December 22, 2005

My learnings in six months..

Its kind of easy to mention, yet difficult to collate. The work life has been a little shocking to start with, yet it got normal with the passing days. But its still different from what I am used to! I spent a great deal of my first two months at Trivandrum, with beautiful scenaries and a ligament tear to deal with. Days passed on with no sense of purpose and clue as to what I am doing. I am never exposed to the working life of software industry earlier and I had a feeling of back to school with strick schedule and hostel work. We had quite an interesting time, dealing with the corporate expectations. I guess, even the company is perplexed as to what to do with the 200 odd MBAs attending the training. After the gala time and the tension of the allocations, I finally landed up at Chennai. The training process gave me an enriching perspective on the working style of IT industry. With companies having 30% of surplus capacity so that they don't suffer opportunity loss, it was quite difficult to see the kind of roles I could play. Yet, I got lucky (I hope so!) to get into a demonstration oriented ideation lab which prototypes the next generation ideas on telecom platform.

Luck got a different dimension in everyone's life. Some curse it, some love it and some doesn't believe in it. Its good if it works in your favour and its better if it doesn't. The work life brought in a new culture. It means marriage to your desk, professional relationships and new challenges! Often you like the job, often you won't. Often you blame the fate, often your boss!

I got to learn a lot of new things from different people. I had my own Oh! Shit moments as well. Yet, through all this flow of life, I can find that the importance of learning is tremendous. I should never let the fire of curiosity die. If that happens, there would be no difference between the dumb terminal on which I am working and my own little brain. I realized that one needs to have a clear focus on the career and which direction one has to mold it into. Its like this old saying: " If you don't know the destination, the road doesn't matter."

I feel good in my job profile as it keeps me in touch with the industry leaders and influential persons of the TCS client companies. At times, its simply amazing to hear what they have to say. I work with a group which tries to make technology as a part of human life and the implications are far more prominent than one would like to believe. The fight in the telecom industry for the customer mind space, the importance of presentation, the need for innovation and the struggle for market share brings in a level playing field for all the companies big or small.

Marketing still rocks for me, yet I could see the mutual dependence among the different functions for the proper organization of the company. It added a new respect with which I view this functions like HR and Finance. I may not be a great number cruncher, yet I can appreciate those big heads in front of the screens working furiously on Excel. What impresses me the most is the ability to touch people's lives in a pleasant fashion. Some of the people I met really amaze me with the kind of confidence they exude and the smile with which they carry themselves. Impressive experience is what I had until now. And many more miles to go!

Friday, December 16, 2005

My first six months of work life!

I have completed my first six months of work life and am waiting to complete another! The experience has been quite eventful till now! Guess this is the time to reflect and learn! I used to have a director at IMDR who always emphasized on the importance of reflecting after experience to garner learning. Guess I would listen to him this time! Well, I had an interesting team get-together with my collegues at MGM resorts. We played cricket, handball, and sealed theday with a gourmet dinner. The heavy moment of the day was when we had to bid farewell to collegue who is leaving to UK the very next day. He is our project lead and somehow I grew comfortable with his guidance. Yet, life has to move on, isn't it? The ambience of MGM is perfect for team events. The resort has cricket pitch just beside the beach, and it was quite fun to play the match as I have never played cricket earlier! No wonder, I ended up duck-out (rather ducked out!). I had quite an eventful day, yet I had to back to office on Saturday! So more to key on in further posts..

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Playing the role of an organizer..

Working in my project, I can never define my job in specific terms. The job description and the definition varies day by day! Guess I like it this way too. I have organized a paper presentation event in my organization and it taught me a lot of things. The first lesson is how to follow-up. I came in contact with a lot of honchos of TCS. I was a little nervous as I had no clue of the corporate hierarchy. In the end, I realized that what I was experiencing was a mental block towards authority. Somehow, it reminded me of Bhupi's lecture on the start of Second Year. Strange are the ways of memories, isn't it? Organizing this event brushed my co-ordinating skills for sure. It took a lot of coffee and headache to see that event happen. Well, I can't undermine the help of my project team the day before the event. They sat with me till night 10 PM working on the minor details which even I missed. Finally the event was a great success, thanks to my boss! He did a great oration and kept everyone awake. All in all, it was sheer fun in the end!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Flow of life..

I have this feeling that it been ages since I wrote something nice. I seriously don't know what to post and I consider it serious! Life has become so simple and predictable out here that there is monotony creeping in. Its been almost four months since I came to Chennai and I already feel as if I have settled down. I guess I got adjusted in the office life as well. Everything looks so comfortable, isn't it? Still I can't explain this strange feeling of intellectual amnesia. When I was in IMDR, we used to discuss about dream jobs. An article written by my senior denying the existence of a myth called "dream job" caught my attention. I wondered about it then. I got placed in my dream company and when I look back now to those days, I know how true it is. A dream can never be a job, atleast for me. And, when there is ia purpose or an aspiration chasing you, it would never be a job.

I remember reading a book titled "elephants and flees". The author compares the huge and heavily manned organizations as Elephants. How true! Working for a multinational manning around 50 thousand personnel is indeed complex, especially in a mammoth IT company where the hierarchies are not defined properly. Guess the charm has worn out! Life has become too comfortable even to crib, and rhythm it has achieved is not particularly to my liking. Need more action and variety!!

A few days back, I registered myself on my college website and was surprised to receive a reply back. The desire to see the outside was high during those college days and now, I long for that cocoon type comfort again!

Monday, November 21, 2005

Perils of being an Absent-Minder-Part 1.

Yesterday night I realized what could be the disadvantages of being absent minded. It means jogging back to my office at 10 PM and wondering that no one picked up my keys! Yesterday it was very hectic for me at office. (Please don't stare at me, people in IT companies can be working too!). It was raining cats and dogs in Chennai for the whole day, and believe me, its not a pleasant site because of the water logging on the streets. In Pune, I used to enjoy rains, but nowadays, they became a big issue as they flood the roads in Chennai. I left office at 9 PM and reached home promptly by 9.30 PM only to realize that I forgot my house keys in office. So it was back to office again at 10 PM in rain swearing all sorts of curses which I could mumble for myself! I titled this post as part 1 as I never know when my forgetfulness will make me jog again! Hey! But it was quite enjoyable also. Otherwise I never thought that I would ever jog to my office at night 10 PM!

Friday, November 11, 2005

Cool Site!

I was browzing through the net and accidently I hit upon this site ( Its a easy read, no-nonsense website which talks about the most successful marketing tactics in simple stories. How I wish Philip Kotler is written this way!

Quote of the Day: A bad worklady always blames her tools!
It struck some nerve as these days I started cribbing a lot..

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

My home trip!

I finally managed to reach home for Diwali and had a gala time at home. Yet, I can't resist myself from posting the way I reached home. I couldn't make the journey on 28th as all the trains in Chennai Central towards Andhra Pradesh got cancelled. To much of my chagrin, the situation continued for days. Finally Coromandal express got started on 30th and I was happy to get a berth and became an innocent victim of the diverted train route. God! The train took 30 hours to reach my home town(actual time is 10 hours). Good thing is that I got to see the whole of Rayalaseema: the Kadapa, Anantapuram, Karnool, Prakasam districts. It was quite a tiresome journey and an interesting one too. One can actually observe the resilience, patience and tenacity of the people. I finally reached home and my only regret is that I lost around 3 days due to the journey.

I did plenty of shopping at home and even accompanied Dad a couple of times for the morning walk. Being at Home gives me a sluggish sense of happiness. Khana, Peena and Sona. Did nothing apart from that. I took two days to get back to the working life!

I left the cell at home as I wanted to buy a new one in Chennai. Andhra Pradesh is cheaper when it comes to buying of cells. I did quite a lot of research and finally I found that there is not a single cell which has an ideal brain and beauty combo. I stayed cell-less for a couple of days deciding which one to buy. Interesting part is that during those days I felt strange happiness and freedom. I got so used to mobile that I felt that something is missing. Talk about Techno-Addiction!

P.S. Finally I ended up buying Samsung's SGH-X620 on 14th Nov. Though its not from Nokia, this mobile covers the basic functions like FM(very much needed in Chennai), Cam and voice recording. Looks quite handy too. Yes it fits the bill!

The classic Indirect Proposal..

BOY: I need someone to talk to ..
GiRL: I`m alwayz here for you.
BOY: I know.
GiRL: Whatz wrong?
BOY: I like her *s0o* much..
GiRL: Talk to her.
BOY: I don`t know.. she`ll never like me.
GiRL: Don`t say that. You`re amazing.
BOY: I just wanna tell her how I feel ..
GiRL: Then tell her.
BOY: She won`t like me.
GiRL: How do you know that?
BOY: I can just tell.
GiRL: Well, just tell her.
BOY: What should I say?
GiRL: Tell her how much you like her.
BOY: I tell her that daily.
GiRL: What youu mean?
BOY: I'm alwayz with her. I love her.
GiRL: I know how you feel. I have the same problem. But he`ll never like me.
BOY: Wait. Who do you like?
GiRL: Ooh, some boy..
BOY: Ooh, she won`t like me either.
GiRL: She does.
BOY: How do you know.. ?
GiRL: Because who wouldn`t like you?
BOY: You..
GiRL: You`re wrong. I love you.
BOY: I love you too.
GiRL: .. so are you going to talk to her?
BOY: I just did.

Got this as a forward. Somehow I feel that this conversation depicts the hesitation, self-doubt and love quite convincingly.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Back to Normal with a Bang!

I declare with indecent happiness that life has returned back to normal in Chennai. The rain got stopped in the night itself. I can't believe my eyes when I saw a little sun today. I wanted to mention about my day Yesterday. I reached office like a drowned rat at 9 AM only to find myself alone in my project. The rain was such that I couldn't even go back. Added to that, I got work which kept me engaged till 2 PM. There were a lot of SMS circulated stating the condition of city. A few roomers about the current wires dangling on the roads. A lot of water logging on roads and it was difficult to find the path. Auto drivers had their hay day charging 50 bucks for 2 kms. I somehow managed to reach home by 6 PM wading my way through knee deep waters to catch an auto!

Yesterday night was another affair alltogether. There are 9 girls along with me in my hostel and we booked tickets today night. We were anxious to know about the weather reports as we were wondering whether our trains will get cancelled or not. Yet, the funnier side never rests. We chatted our way till the wee hours of morning and had quite a lot of fun too. I guess it been ages since I last indulged myself in girly gossiping! :-)

Now today morning, its absolute bliss! The same sun in Chennai and the same old day.. As if yesterday is just a nightmare. I am hoping to catch train today to reach my hometown Rajahmundry. Hope it arrives and reaches in time! Happy Diwali to all. I just can't wait to see my Mamma!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Banned Drugs!

Again a forward which I received. This time it is send by Bhupi, the IMDR Director. I still call him as director as I can't picture him any where else. Guess he is the ideal fit to that IMDR and man, he inspires such a kind of feeling. What else can I say? Here's his new blog:

This is the mail..
India has become a dumping ground for banned drugs; also the business for production of banned drugs is blooming. Plz make sure that u buy drugs only if prescribed by a doctor(Also, ask which company manufactures it, this would help to ensure that u get what is prescribed at the Drug Store) and that also from a reputed drug store. Not many people know about these banned drugs and consume them causing a lot of damage to themselves. We do forward Jokes and and other junk all the time. This is far more
important. Plz Make sure u forward it to everyone u know.



This is a pain-killer.Reason for ban:Bone marrow depression.
Brand name: Novalgin


Acidity, constipation.Reason for ban : irregular heartbeat
Brand name : Ciza, Syspride


Anti-depressant.Reason for ban : Irregular heartbeat.
Brand name :Droperol


Antidiarrhoeal.Reason for ban : Cancer.
Brand name : Furoxone, Lomofen


Painkiller, fever. Reason for ban : Liver failure.
Brand name : Nise, Nimulid


Antibacterial cream.Reason for ban : Cancer.
Brand name :Furacin


Laxative.Reason for ban : Cancer.
Brand name :Agarol


cold and cough.Reason for ban :stroke.
Brand name :D'cold, Vicks Action-500


Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.Reason for ban : Bone marrow
Brand name : Sioril


Anti-worms.Reason for ban : Nerve damage.
Brand name : Piperazine


Anti-diarrhoeal.Reason for ban :Damage to sight.
Brand name :Enteroquinol

Chennai Rains!!!

Today is really horrible in Chennai. There is a lot of water clogging and all you could see are the mud puddles and water on the roads. Nothing is particularly visible and with wind blowing harshly, its really difficult to keep your umbrella on your head! Umm, that's is a near description of what I am facing in Chennai today.

Hope this rains end soon. I somehow managed to wade through the water to reach the office sharp at nine. Only to ruefully grin at myself that the office is completely lonely save a single man who is working at his desk. Some of my project mates reached office at noon after a tiring 3 hours of journey. Remarkable commitment, isn't it? I went down for lunch to the Canteen downstairs. I wished I could take a snap of the people sitting at the Food Court of Tidel Park in Chennai. I never knew that there are so many obedient souls who care to come to office literally drowning themselves! Most of the offices declared leave today. As I find leisure in my office now, being one of those stranded souls who are waiting for Cabs which would start only after 5, I am catching up on my long due posts. Guess it been ages since I last saw this kind of rains with knee deep water clogging on the roads! Umm... I am longing for those sunny days again!!! Wishful thinking?! Hope it comes true!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Recently I got affected by Laryngitis.. What a typical name! I cant even pronounce that properly. Well, let me tell you that it feels awful. You can't even hear your voice. !Well, I admit that it got its own beauty! I kept my mouth shut for three days and it aint that bad. :-)

I don't wish for that to happen again either! Its a tricky infection. It gave me a feeling of weakness, cough, feverish sensation and cold. Yet I could do my daily chores. Sore throat, yet but it didn't stop me from going on a long drive and taking a long walk.. Only that it got worse. My voice changed in myraid ways. I got bored of coughing though, and I longed to drink something hot always. I think this is the only time when I had coffee and tea combo. I went to doctor twice, only to reconfirm my feeling that I really don't like hospitals! Finally I got cured miraculously soon. Its nice to be able to talk and eat icecreams!

Friday, October 21, 2005

Radical Leap..

This was a book suggested by my boss and he asked me to read it twice! The first thing I enquired was the number of pages of the book! I just wondered how thick would that be..

Coming to the actual reading experience, the book is fabulous. This is a book written by Steve Farber which talks about Extreme Leadership. What exactly is an extreme leader? He defines him in one simple sentence, as a person who L.E.A.P.s forward; One who cultivates love, generates energy, inspires audacity, and provides proof.

The story begins at a beach where Steve, a leadership consultant meets a mysterious and wise character called EdG who defines leadership as an extreme sport. The book is about how Steve discovers the extreme leadership and how he helps to sort out his friend Janice's problem at her workplace XinoniX. I loved the way the story unfolds and the style of writing of the Steve Farber. You can find the summary of the concept here.

One particular point which caught my eye is Why do I come to work today? Do I love what I do? Yes.. Truly, this must be the most important question of everyone's life. Life is too small to be fretted away on things which we don't enjoy doing. We need to find our passion and work our way to get it. That's what I call self-expression. A feeling of pure joy..

We may not remember the top leaders of the Century or the Miss Universes' of the World.. But we will surely remember the people who have touched our life. That's the most interesting part of Leadership. Its about the ability to influence and make a difference to other people's life; its about the desire to love and help others find their dreams too. This book is a great read which should not be missed. (Not because my boss told so!)

Love Stories..

Its nice to read some love stories at times.. They give such nice hope and they talk of so much optimism. I like the idea that there is someone who cares for you, even if it can be a myth. Its just that feeling,"Pal bhar keliye koi hame Pyaar karle, Jhoota hi sahi!"

This is a good story which I have received today as a forward. Hope you like it too.


He met her on a party. She was so outstanding, many guys chasing after her, while he was so normal, nobody paid attention to him. At the end of the party, he invited her to have coffee with him, she was surprised, but due to being polite, she promised.

They sat in a nice coffee shop, he was too nervous to say anything, she felt uncomfortable, she thought, please, let me go home.. Suddenly he asked the waiter: "would you please give me some salt? I'd like to put it in my coffee."

Everybody stared at him, so strange! His face turned red, but, still, he put the salt in his coffee and drank it. She asked him curiously: why you have this hobby?

He replied: "when I was a little boy, I was living near the sea, I liked playing in the sea, I could feel the taste of the sea , just like the taste of the salty coffee. Now every time I have the salty coffee, I always think of my childhood, think of my hometown, I miss my hometown so much, I miss my parents who are still living there". While saying that tears filled his eyes. She was deeply touched.

That's his true feeling, from the bottom of his heart. A man who can tell out his homesickness, he must be a man who loves home, cares about home, has responsibility of home.. Then she also started to speak, spoke about her faraway hometown, her childhood, her family. That was a really nice talk, also a beautiful beginning of their story.

They continued to date. She found that actually he was a man who meets all her demands; he had tolerance, was kind hearted, warm, careful. He was such a good person but she almost missed him! Thanks to his salty coffee!

Then the story was just like every beautiful love story, the princess married to the prince, then they were living the happy life... And, every time she made coffee for him, she put some salt in the coffee, as she knew that's the way he liked it.

After 40 years, he passed away, left her a letter which said: "My dearest, please forgive me, forgive my whole life lie. This was the only lie I said to you---the salty coffee. Remember the first time we dated? I was so nervous at that time, actually I wanted some sugar, but I said salt. It was hard for me to change so I just went ahead. I never thought that could be the start of our communication!

I tried to tell you the truth many times in my life, but I was too afraid to do that, as I have promised not to lie to you for anything.. Now I'm dying, I afraid of nothing so I tell you the truth: I don't like the salty coffee, what a strange bad taste.. But I have had the salty coffee for my whole life!

Since I knew you, I never feel sorry for anything I do for you. Having you with me is my biggest happiness for my whole life. If I can live for the second time, still want t o know you and have you for my whole life, even though I have to drink the salty coffee again". Her tears made the letter totally wet.

Someday, someone asked her: what's the taste of salty coffee?
It's sweet. She replied.

love is not 2 forget
but 2 forgive
not 2 c but understand
not 2 hear but 2 listen
not 2 let go but HOLD ON !!!!

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a tear. Being loved by someone gives u strength, being in love with someone deeply gives u courage!!!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

A trip to Mamallapuram..

Yesterday we went to Mamallapuram, also known as Mahabalipuram from Chennai was a trip based on just a whim and was planned on the spot. The climate added to the temptation too. The soft breeze and the cool winds beckoned us for a long drive. It took us an hour to reach Mamallapuram from Adyar Chennai and I would say that the drive was fabulous. The road connecting Mamallapuram and Chennai is parallel to the sea coast.. U can imagine the luxury of watching the sea breeze soothe your mood while driving! It was wonderful. After reaching Mamallapuram, the rain started pouring down, challenging our expectations of the sightseeing. Yet, we could cover the beach, the Shore temple and the Pancha Radhas. I have seen some of the marvelous carvings on the black rock and the stone carvings are beyond any praise. We stopped at E.C.R. Dhabha to have a quick lunch. The landscaping of the restaurant was simply superb with seating overlooking a miniature pond complete with swans! The food was a downer though. Finally, after getting deluged both by the experience and by the rain, we came back looking like drowned rats! Quite an experience indeed! Hope it stays tucked away in the memory lane forever..

Thursday, October 06, 2005

A mail I received.. Seems Genuine..


I would like to bring to notice a certain injustice that I have subjected to at the Bangalore Railway Station (Majestic). On September 30 (Friday), 2005, I had been to the station to see off my fiance and her mother. They took the Karnataka Express (Train #2627) to Jhansi at 6:30 pm. On my way out I was asked to present my platform ticket by a railway official. On producing the same, the TT turned around and told me "What if I say that you haven't given me the ticket?" Before I could react, he along with his colleague pushed me into the adjacent enquiry cabin and physically manhandled me. I was slapped several times, my spectacles were grabbed and deliberately crushed by foot, and my phone was flung away from me. The RPF comprising of one RPF and four constables, appeared on the scene. The surrounding public was whisked away. None of the railway police officials cared to listen to me and they started hitting me indiscriminately with lathis. They dragged me out, and all the 4 constables continued hitting me with lathis from Platform 1 to Platform 3/5, till we reached the station master's cabin. Racist abuses and threats were made on the way. At the station master's cabin, I was told that I have been charged with a non-bailable offence and would be behind bars for 15 days. Not for a single moment was I allowed to speak.

All of a sudden a stranger came to the scene and he claimed that he was there to help me. Having lost all my physical strength and mental senses, I was happy to see some sort of help. He, claiming to be V Srinivas from Infosys, talked to the officials and the railway police in Kannada. He told me that the only way I was to get out was if I was willing to pay my way through. Being in no state to make a rational choice, I gave him my ATM card and pin. He took one of the RPF chaps along with him and said he would clear the matter. He returned sometime later saying that everything was okay now. I was asked to sign a statement which said that I hit the police and TT in a drunken state. I refused. Finally, they pressurized me to write that I did not produce a platform ticket when asked. I wrote the same and then V Srinivas took me out of the station. He joined me in an auto and took me to the ICICI ATM at Anand Rao circle. He withdrew Rs. 15000 from my ATM and got back. He took the cash under the pretext that while helping me he had left his wallet in the train he had left behind and that he would return the same through his ICICI Internet account. Having broken down mentally I did not realize that I was being cheated. He then took me to a Samsung showroom and tried purchasing a cellphone worth Rs. 18500 with my card. It was only then that I realized what was happening. I grabbed my card back, caught him by the collar, snatched my cash that lay in his pocket, and got into a running auto.

I have now realized that all of this was a plan. There is a strong nexus between the railway officials, the railway police and the fraudster. The railway officials identify a victim who they think is well-to-do, the RPF beat that individual till he has no physical or mental well-being. Then this fraud chap comes on to the scene, takes advantage of the situation, and takes all your cash away. Also, this series of events generally occurs on the last day of the month as they know that the salary gets credited on this day. (This strikes me now because the self-proclaimed Infy employee, V Srinivas, clearly asked me whether I had received my salary. He said that he just wanted to find out if there was cash enough to tackle the case.)

Now three days hence, I have tried to run from pillar to post. I have been forced to miss office hours in my effort to get justice. But I don't want to give up the fight midway. If any of you are in the media, or have friends/relatives who are in the industry, I'd like to speak with them about this in greater detail. I can be reached on 09886179319 or 08030933067. I believe it would catalyze my efforts.

Also, please pass this email to all the people who reside in Bangalore, so that they don't fall into the same trap.

Nimish V Adani
IIML Batch of 2003
ITBHU Batch of 2001

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Lasting Leadership!

I am just going through a book by name "Lasting Leadership" which contains of the profiles of the 25 Business Leaders. Its nice to see a snapshot profile of the some of the most successful leaders and read about what they have to say. I am planning to include a few points which caught attention. Guess its going to be a long post.

The book is organized in chapters like

Andy Grove's Leadership at Intel
-His management style, for embarking the famous Intel Inside campaign, for surviving the Pentium crisis and for the ability to stand for his convictions. He defines that a leader is one whom people would follow. Simple, isn't it?

Leadership and Corporate Culture

Herb Kelleher(Southwest Airlines)
-For building a great culture, for persistence, for building team spirit and flexibility into the organization.
Mary Kay Ash(Mary Kay)
-For praising people to success, for building a family kind of structure in the organization, for the famous pink cadillacs!
James Burke(Johnson & Johnson)
-For leading J&J through the Tylenol crisis, for championing innovation across the company, for encouraging a risk taking culture and for emphasizing on the importance of Trust across the organization.

Truth Tellers

Jack Welch(GE)
-Known as the Neutron Jack for his restructuring plans.
William George (Medtronic)
-He says that "Leadership is about getting people to follow even if they have their own doubts. Authentic leaders are those who are committed to purpose or mission;people who live by values and lead by heart."
Peter F. Drucker
-Defines management as an art which has the potential to transform "a mob into an organization, and human effort into performance. Known for coining terms like privatization, knowledge workers and placing emphasis on managing relationships.

Identifying an underserved market

Charles Schwab (Charles Schwab Corp.)
-For making his discount brokerage firm a huge success and establishing technology paradigm in the investment industry. Forbes calls him, "King of Online Brokers".
John Bogle (The Vanguard Group)
-For inventing Index funds and by pioneering the Vanguard as the low cost leader.
Mohammed Yunus (Grameen Bank)
-For pioneering micro credit through Grameen Bank and making a difference to a lot of people across the world. With a vision to build a poverty free world, he is perhaps the only one who wishes that his target market eventually disappears.

Seeing the invisible

Steve Jobs (Apple and Pixar)
- For using creativity and innovation to gain on the face of a giant competitor
George Soros(Soros Fund Management)
-Believes in the principles of open society. Known for his ability to spot the trends, for self-discipline and risk appetite.
Ted Turner (Turner Broadcasting)
-This founder of CNN and TNT is known for acting on gut feelings and venturing into the unexplored terrains.

Using Price to gain competitive advantage

Michael Dell(Dell Inc.)
-For his strong sense of market and for cutting the middlemen.
Jeff Bezos(Amazon)
-For revolutionizing retailing with the power of the emerging networking technology and for building a brand through customer experience.
Sam Walton(Wal-Mart)
-For getting the cost-price equation right. Can anyone believe that he wore a grass skirt and danced the hula in 1984 on the steps of the Merill Lynch's Wall Street offices after losing over the bet that Walmart couldn't possibly hit a pre-tax profit of 8%

Managing the Brand

Richard Branson (Virgin)
-For his risk-apetite, persistence and fun loving attitude. He has successfully built the world most stretched brand Virgin based on his credibility and capability.
Oprah Winfrey(Harpo, Inc.)
-She claims that "Owning myself is a way to be myself". With a constant focus on being better, she has built an amazing personal brand marked with genuine and disarming attitude.
Lee Iacocca (Chrysler)
-for his strong sense of personal credibility, for turning around the troubled Chrysler and for his charismatic leadership.

Fast Learners

Frederick Smith (FedEx)
-Known for revolutionizing the world of logistics pioneering the overnight delivery and tracking process.
Bill Gates (Microsoft)
-Known for his agility and ability to gauge the market. Famous for Microsoft's " Buy it or Bury it" sort of competitor's policies.
Lou Gerstner(IBM & RJR Nabisco)
-For leading IBM successfully through troubled times. He says that a leader's 90% of success depends on his ability to select, motivate, and encourage the team working under him.

Managing Risk

Warren Buffet (Berkshire Hathaway)
-Known as the most successful investor of our times. Is a strong believer in Value Investing.
Alan Greenspan
-For efficiently dealing with uncertainty as Federal Reserve chairman.
Peter Lynch (Fidelity Investments)
-Known for picking the winner stocks. He says, "The stock market is counter-intuitive When the headlines are terrible, that's really when you ought to start buying. The person who turns over the most rocks will win the game."

Some excerpts from the book:

"In June 2000, John Bogle, founder and former CEO of The Vanguard Group, spoke about leadership at Wharton. As an avid group of executives listened to the man who popularized the principle of indexing - and in the process built the Vanguard Group into a firm managing more than $550 billion in assets - Bogle ended his speech quoting James Norris, a Vanguard manager, who wrote: "While it is revealing to consider what constitutes a leader, your search for understanding, for some kind of leadership formula, is apt to end in frustration. It is like studying Michelangelo or Shakespeare: You can imitate, emulate, and simulate, but there is simply no connect-the-dots formula to Michelangelo's David or Shakespeare's Hamlet. I suppose, when all is said and done, it really comes down to this: People are leaders because they choose to lead."

The heart of leadership is as simple as that: It is a matter of choice and determination. If this is true, then people who choose and are determined to become influential business leaders can benefit from observing other leaders and using their observations to nurture their own leadership style."

A Fresh B-Schooler Attitude...

In my three months of working life, I have had a lot of fights with my own fresh B-Schooler attitude. When I was in IMDR, I used to make strategic analysis, resolve case studies, making reports and giving presentations. It sure gives a kind of hype as to the future roles. Yet, when I look back, joining a B-School straight out of college has its own disadvantages. People tend to generate their own assumptions without a realistic exposure. The live projects do give a glimpse into the real scenario and they can be shaped in a more better manner.

When I joined TCS, I had a straight 40 days training where I was introduced to the software industry background and the TCS business areas. All I could take away are the life skills classes. The training was not focused or tailor made to suit the kind of roles an MBA is expected to perform. Its like asking too much because there were 200 batch mates and each would be put into different roles which have their own responsibilities and requirements.

I landed up in an in-house R&D project of TCS where I have to plan the marketing of the products designed by my team. Life is quite relaxed in TCS as I don't have to strain myself and the work pace is quite relaxed. Sometimes, I got all the time in world for myself. I have all the freedom to explore library, or the Internet.. The way I respond to the situations depends on myself and my attitude. Things are done quite differently once I have started working.

One doesn't need to be a Jack of all Trades. I need to focus on the current job and need to say myself that " I am going to do the current job better than anyone who has done it earlier". Competing with oneself always pays. It keeps me in better health and in better pace. The moment I start worrying about the future and the fast track growth (a gift from my fresh B-Schooler attitude), my mental peace is gone down the drain. Life is pretty much simple, I try to do what I like the best. I need to keep that constant urge to better myself alive.

Yet, those Philip Kotler days in IMDR come to my mind. IMDR was an oasis which sheltered me for two years. It was a different world, yet it makes makes me comfortable with myself. May be this self-awareness is one takeaway which I name from IMDR. Now, the journey is on and life rolls on..

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Mechanical Pets with Character..

Recently, I read an article about the launch of Mechanical Puppies launched by Sony. These toys develop a character based on the way their owner is treating them. I really didn't understand this desire in humanbeings to control their loved ones. Why people have pets? Its because they like to love and be loved in return. Admit it or not, pets are more loyal! Pets and especially dogs give a feeling that they need you. The kind of loyalty and affection they shower on their owners is tremendous. If a person really loves pets, can't he get a real pet? Why does anyone want to manufacture a mechanical pet with manufactured character? What's the purpose in that? It seems that there is no end to the human imagination and greed. Is that really a need? Or is it that the current generation became so mechanical that they can only be loved by machines?

I marvel at the creative effort and the dedication of the members who design new and innovative products. What upsets me are the assumptions inherent in the new products. They really make me wonder as to where are we heading as a civilization? It catches me in the ageless discussion of Man Vs Nature. Yet, I know the beauty of discussion lies in the lack of solution. Certain issues are just too complex, aren't they?

Friday, September 30, 2005

Chennai IMDR Alumni Meet..

Yesterday we had an IMDRite get together at Dhaba Express in Cenotoph Road of Chennai. Thanks to Juniors and thanks to Placement preparations, I could see a lot of IMDRites. It was a small gathering of around 15 people. There were a few who were about 5 to 10 years seniors to us. I really liked their commitment to come after this many years.

The gathering brought back quite a lot of memories.. Sitting under the Bodhi tree, fighting for the computers, gossiping with friends, arguments with Doc, the serene quadrangle and the feeling of Bhupi's presence. Every moment seems the Best. I am pretty impressed by the feeling of unity among the alumni. Really, its very important to have a sense of identity and IMDR has a unique culture of itself. IMDR makes one simple and down to earth. It made me more introspective and observant. Down the memory lane, I know that IMDR has made a big impact in my life.

For a moment, I wished to be at IMDR.. To silently walk around the campus, to see Bhupi from far (I am a little hesitant to talk to him,as always), to sit on the stairs and to listen to the humming of the birds. It really made me nostalgic. I know its not possible, yet, its great to have good memories, longings and a sense of belongingness. When I was at IMDR, I never thought of the feeling of being an alumni. The corporate life is quite a shift from the sensitive culture of IMDR. Yet, I need to come out of the shadow someday.. To realize myself and to be myself.

Why Robert Frost comes to mind always? May be his poem is very exquisite. It sums up my feelings..

The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Visionary Leadership in Aravind Hospitals..

I never heard about Dr. Govindappa Venkataswamy until yesterday. He is the man behind the renowned Aravind Hospitals. In this commercialized healthcare world, he comes out shining like a knight. What impresses me is his grit and persistence in his abilities even when he is suffering with rheumatoid arthritis. His principles of altruism, independence and leadership are awe-inspiring. Its good to read about such a selfless personality these days!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Friends give a reason to smile! They are like a mild refreshing breeze over the boredom of life. What else can I say about them? They spice up life!

Life in Chennai would be a big BORE if not for a few good friends that I have. Life has become so comfortable as I have people around me who would lend an ear whenever I need someone to talk to. My job has become pretty routine and since I am still in training, I get good amount of leisure time which I chat my way through. If not for my friends, I would have gone half insane with the mechanical interaction that I have with my desktop in the office. How many times do I wish that this dumb computer can talk and write. Let me tell you guys, even if you have unlimited internet access and a computer dedicated to you, its quite boring to spend your time looking at the screen. I feel drained out in the end of the day, even if I did exactly nothing! I just can't wait to get into the real work.

I am happy as I have a few good friends around. Some are working in the same company, so they can understand the situation in a much better manner. But then, the interaction during official hours is much much different than what you can have during evenings. Well, this corporate professionalism can change the type of interactions one can have. I just shudder to this world devoid of friends.. Hope that day never comes in life! Long live friendship!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Hi from Chennai!!

Its been quite a long time since I last keyed in my musings. I am quite occupied these days and the time I spend on myself is dwindling these days. yet, I am grateful to TCS, I got time to breathe! When I hear the stories and working hours of my peers, I feel as if I got a lot to thank for!

Regarding Kaam, I joined Innova Lab in Tidel Park,Chennai. My profile deals with Concept Marketing of quite a lot of innovative stuff. Its just my kind of role and I'm loving it every moment. Chennai is quite hot, only that I am not exposed to it in the plush A.C. office of the TCS out here. I have seen the other Karapakkam and Sholinganallur offices, and I liked the Sholinganallur office better. It got a lot of open area and can keep one quite engaged, especially when one got no work!

Chennai Disco(Discovery of Chennai):

I have checked out a few theatres in Chennai: Satyam, Casino. I was told that Satyam is one of those Hip multiplexes of Chennai, but it turned out to be a complete downer for me. I have seen better ones in Pune. Added to that, the movie I watched there, "My Wife's Murder" , was PATHETIC at its best. I really don't understand the purpose of making that movie. I went to the Spencer Plaza and I felt it was too crowded and disorganized. The service lanes and the mount road make me feel as if there is a lot more to explore. Chennai is a real big city!

Coming to the best part, The best thing I saw in chennai is British Library located on Mount Road. The ambiance and the building was fantastic! I loved the time I spent there. A great hangout for book lovers. I went to the Paris Corner, the old Chennai style of Market and then to Marina Beach. I always get enticed by beaches and the sea. The inviting waves and the soothing breeze makes me heady and contented. I feel that the persistence of waves to reach the shore is the perfect illustration of Never Say Die attitude. Its an awe-inspiring sight! Guess that sums up my Chennai Disco. Hope I get more time to explore this great culturally rich Metro!

Sunday, July 24, 2005

A trip to Ponmudi..

Today we went to Ponmudi, which is a hill station nearby Trivandrum. The weather was extremely pleasant and the scenic beauty, soul touching. It was some two hour bus ride from Trivandrum. Throughout the way we, the Ganesh hotel gang of TCS, sang songs and had loads of fun. Actually we were trying to make the most of the last few days left in Trivandrum. The surroundings are green and filled with coconut trees and tea gardens. Added to that, the place is covered in mist and I had tough time differentiating the mist from clouds. I tried the Kerala special boiled rice for lunch. Its supposed to be very healthy, yet its very different from the normal cooked rice which I am used to in Andhra Pradesh. What can I say about the place? Its an ideal destination if you are looking for greenery, pleasant climate, and some solitude, as it fills your soul with love, you feel reconnected with the nature. To top off the day, we calmed ourselves over the nearby waterfalls. Its kind of difficult to explain where lies the magic. May be the pristine surrounding of the Ponmudi did the trick. In the end, its a lovely experience and my heart wanted more and more.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

The Initial Leisure Period...

I am currently in Trivandrum undergoing the Initial Learning Programme (ILP) for the TCS employees. The training is for 32 days and Kerala is a lovely place to stay for that duration. The state of art training facilities they have at TCS are just fabulous. I am especially enjoying the life skills and Foreign Language classes. Ich lerne Deutsch these days! At times,It feels as if I am back to school and I have all the time to learn. I am enjoying the leisure and the serene surroundings. The backwaters of Kerala, the pristine surroundings, the beaches and the weather are so pleasant, they fill one with beauty and love. On the flip side, the city is too quiet and it closes by 9. So much of change from Pune where there is good deal of freedom. Still, I kind of enjoy my stay and the Initial Leisure Period here.

Monday, June 20, 2005

A trip to Kanya Kumari..

Thanks to TCS training programme in Trivandrum, I got to see the Kanya Kumari. We boarded the bus at 3 AM to catch the sunrise but as the weather is so gloomy, we missed it. The journey was quite eventful and the experience is beyond description. We went to see the Vivekananda Rock for which one has to board the steamer boat. There is Vivekananda Rock and just beneath it was a Dhyan Mandir where people can meditate if they wish. I sat inside the Dhyan Mandir and could feel the positive vibrations. Its was the best time which I ever had with myself. The mix of the light chanting, natural ventilation and the sea weather made me feel quite heady. There is also a Thiruvalluvar statue, a great Tamil poet, where a short summary of each of his 133 chapters were inscribed. I was quite delighted to read each of them, one of the best poetic expressions I have ever read. To top off the day, we relaxed at the Thipparappu Waterfalls. The scenic beauty was fabulous. It was one of the most beautiful days of my life.

Friday, June 03, 2005

A trip to Tirupati!

I can call my trip to Tirupati as a part pilgrimage activity. My family decided to pay respects to the richest God of India(World, maybe)Lord Venkateshwara. We wanted to climb the seven hills by walk and learnt few lessons on the way. For the first, its not easy to climb 3750 steps at one go and if you believe that you can do it fine, its over confidence! The second is never carry your footwear along, as after sometime, very likely that you want to pack it in bag or throw it overhill. Never carry any luggage and that includes your water bottles as there are enough to replentish you on the way. And the last and final is that even if you start the walk saying O God, its likely that you will end up saying Oh! God! so be prepared.

On a serious note, it took four hours to climb the stairs and four hours for the darshan as we have already taken slots for the darshan a month ahead. The darshan was rushed, but I could catch a glimpse of the Lord. It was a pleasant trip, I could test my stamina!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Intermediate Education

Today I went to one of the most reputed institutes in Andhra Pradesh for Intermediate Education, Sri Chaitanya to join my cousin there. I was astonished at the way they have provided the facilities for the students and wondered at the credibility of the name and fame they have amassed. They have two types of batches one called IC (Intensive Care) batch and the other one called the regular batch. Fees for the IC batch is 50 grand and the regular weighs 41 grand on your pocket. Though its costlier when compared to the standard of Andhra Pradesh, what surprised me is the stingy facilities they have provided. My cousin was offered a berth in a big room, which she has to share with 8 other girls. There is absolutely no privacy; neither there is a place to study in the room. They have kept a place separate for study.. Yes you can imagine, its just the same open place in front of the hostel. Well, I was reminded of the old stories of the great educationalists that studied under streetlights! But then they had no money to afford the luxuries. Well, I lamely enquired about the games and the entertainment activities. The coordinator gave me a queer look and informed me that they have Chinese-checkers and chess boards! Great!!! I can only pray for my cousin who want to be a Doctor as this seems the only way.. Oh! The plight of students!

Friday, April 22, 2005

Last day at IMDR as a student..

Don't even know what to write. There are still a few classmates around in the insti. Today seems like a normal day but I know its not the same. Today is my last day in IMDR as a student and I know I can never get back these days again. A phase of my life is ending and I am in a transition period. All I have is memories to fall back to. The days of Hip Hip Hurrays, those playful taunts, running for printouts, those naps in classes, that Time Pass in cases and those group arguments.. All and almost everything will make me miss IMDR more. I will miss all the IMDRites, those familiar faces who are friendly and trustworthy, those steps which seem inviting to spend hours together with lots of Gappa, the Bodhi tree which is the platform for all the gyan sessions.. But then, once an IMDRite, always an IMDRite and memories never die. The feeling of belongingness I have with the IMDR community will always stay afresh in my heart. Life goes on collecting memories and memoirs.. What say?

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Chinchni Trip..

I went to visit the Pravin Chordia's Chinchni farms as a part of our Science, Techology and Ecology class. Pravin Chordia by sheer grit and dedication has taken up around 200 acres of barren land at Chinchni to turn it around to a fertile soil with the organic farming inspired by the ideas of Shripal Achyut Dabholkar.

The idea here is to do a multi-level farming by incorporating as much varieties of plant species as possible. It helps to enrich the soil, as different kinds of plants give and take different kinds of nutrients. The various levels are planted this way. Fruit trees and immobile plants are surrounded by movable vegetable plants which are further supported by the biomass plants. This creates a bio-diversity, which makes a forest-like ecosystem, thus there is a symbiotic growth of all plants. You can find an odd sunflower, rose, teak, spinach, tomatoes, papaya, mangoes, curry leaves, henna, and just about anything. Diverse needs of the people are also kept in mind, for example, Eucalyptus for bio-mass; or Teak, Sandalwood as cash crops, mangoes for economic returns and fruits to be self-sustaining.

The soil is made fertile by a process in which 9 alternating layers of ordinary soil and biomass are made. The biomass is covered by a soil heap and then diverse varieties of seeds are planted to regenerate the soil. After 21 days one-third of the plants are cut and kept in soil and this process is repeated thrice, which enriches the soil and makes it ready for farming.

The experiment has proven successfully that a 10Gunta or a one-fourth acre plot can support a whole family and also provide them with a decent living. Truly, we undermine the potential of the soil but it is a living soul which is like a mother to the mankind. The use of chemicals over the years has made the soil sterile, which could be enriched again only through Organic Farming, or farming which is compatable with nature. Man should realize that he is a child of the nature not the master. I hope its not too late before it dawns upon him.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Factory Visit to Pravin Masale

This weekend we went to visit the Pravin Masale factory, which is into a variety of products like turmeric powder, chilli powder, coriander powder, garam masala, chatpata masala, Biryani masala, chaat masala, etc. We saw the processing of base raw materials like turmeric, chilli and coriander. Each spice is processed in a separate division and each has its own set of workers, dressed in the corresponding coloured uniforms, Coriander ones wear green uniforms, Turmeric ones wear yellow and the Chilli ones wear Red.

The raw material is fed into machines and there are several steps where the dusty particles, stones and adulterants are filtered by the machines like pneumatic blowers,shakers, vibraters, sorters etc. Then the clean rawmaterial is roasted and grinded and then sent to packing. The printed flat plastic roll through the machine, making a cylindrical shape along the way, where it is filled by the required spice and sealed after specific intervals using form, fill and seal type of packaging.

And then moved to the quality control section. Here shelf life analysis, raw material testing and grading is done. The parameters for which the testing is done are: moisture content, flavor, ash content etc. The whole visit reminded me of my graduation days, and bought me back memories of our food technology labs..

Monday, April 04, 2005

Hiware Bazaar..

Hiware Bazaar is a village located in the drought prone district of Ahmednagar in Maharashtra State. The district receives little rainfall, approximately 250 mm per year ion the normal rainfall but since the past three years it has received very scanty rainfall as much as 50mm. The condition is worsened still by the perennially low water table in highly porous soils that hardly retains any moisture. Today, it not only serves its own needs of water but also provides drinking water to other neighboring villages. The villagers became self-reliant with their efforts under the able guidance of Mr. Popat Rao Pawar.

To deal with the water crisis, the watershed programme was planned and implemented. For soil and water conservation the villagers came together and offered voluntary labour to facilitate the implementation of the watershed programme. For this the near by hill is covered with CCT (continuous contour trenches), loose boulder structure, earthen bund, earthen nala bund and check dam. And all this reduce the speed of rain water and thus give it more time to seep down, and also checks soil erosion. The seeping of water helps in increasing the ground water table, thus making more water available for the people of Hiware bazaar.

Mr. Pawar said that Hiware bazaar is just like any other village – the only difference in the people of Hiware bazaar…and their values. With Mr. Pawar came the five principles that changed the game rules:
* Charai bandi (Ban on free grazing)
* Kurhad bandi (Ban on cutting trees)
* Nasha bandi (Ban on liquor)
* Family planning
* Shramadan (Voluntary labour)

The trip to Hiware bazaar is very inspiring and interesting. To listen to Potatrao pawar and see the work he has done is very memorable. I have seen some Development programmes, but Hiware Bazaar is the showcase for all the right and good things; a man of conviction can do. Changing the village with a bad reputation and with little resource into a self sustaining model of development is very big task. To educate and to empower so called villagers, by Popat pawar is hallmark of leadership. He comes across as a very well-informed person. His knowledge is much wider and deeper in scope. It was refreshing to listen to a man who is completely satisfied by the work he did and the life he has in contributing to the betterment of the people.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

A visit to Dump yard..

Never did I ever thought of visiting a dump yard. Yes it do have my contribution, which I negligently throw away carefully, but its really the first time when we went to see the repercussions of the modern life. As a class studying Science, Technology and Ecology, we visited the Pune dump yard.

We checked the innumerable plastic and polythene lying on the soil. There is this huge landfill, which spanned around 20 acres. Its like a mountain of filth and garbage, our creative creation! The garbage is covered with glass, plastic, aluminum and other heavy metals, which are not degradable, by nature.

This garbage is located a little faraway from the city so that we don't have to look at our creation and bear its effects. Still its only 20 kms faraway. How much away can you get out of it? The garbage is not going to go anyway. Its takes around 25000 years for it to start degrading, till then the water which passes through it gets into the ground water and its finally going to get back to us only.

We have seen a huge pool of water just down the mountain of landfill where the water is so polluted that you won't even wish your enemy to die in it. The bougainvilleas that are growing by the side of garbage dump are very small plants with huge floweration. May be even the plant can't tolerate the unholy conditions that its going against the natural process to age fast, quickening the life cycle. It’s screaming to end its life!

Concept of Waste.. If we look at the nature, there is no thing called waste. Nothing goes as waste in nature. Waste word itself seems like a misnomer.. An end output of one process goes as an input for the other, what a beautiful balanced system nature is. We brag of beautifully designed industries but does that anyway come near to the natural Design? The waste each industry generates are so toxic and harmful, and the way we dispose off it with utter negligence as landfill is a shame. In school, I read about bioreactors, waste management.. I saw nothing in action. Seems as if there is no end to my ignorance.

There are many people who are working on the landfill, people who are manning the trucks and the cranes. Along the side are kids who are scavenging for the empty plastics and glass bottles, trying to make something worthwhile of the endless dump pit. Just thoughts, what kind of life are we gifting to these young kids who represent the future generations.

It is just mind-boggling if I try to check the repercussions on the people who are working there. They are working in unhygenic conditions, conditions that we couldn't even bear for 5 minutes. The psychological impact these kinds of conditions would have is even beyond my imagination. They must be having a very bad quality of life. Exposed to and tormented by these unruly conditions, they would get addicted to drugs and become prey to all kinds of diseases. Of all the ironies of life, these people do contribute to our GDP! What kind of life does the villagers, who had to live in nearby places of the dump?

Hurting the ecological balance.. Yup! That's what we do.. If we look at the landfill, the nature tries to solve the problem by using bandicoots and rats, which can use this waste. But then, there won't be any snakes to prey on them as snakes can't survive that environment. So we are increasing an effect, which cant, be curtailed by the complementary effect of the nature. Soon the landfill is populated by innumerable rats, of which a single infected one can cause a wildfire of plague, which can effectively eradicate hundreds of people. Yes! Its true, what you give is what begets you..

Modern Inventions: Plastics.. Never seen much of them in villages, but yes we are doing our best to modernize. I read a lot of articles on the immortal plastic, how its hurting the other animals who consume it.. But always a visual is more powerful. The whole road and the dump is filled with plastic. A huge part of land is covered with nothing other than plastic. Plastic being an inorganic substance is not degradable by nature, and also it’s suffocating the land buy covering it making it die little by little. If I look at my life, it seems as if its invaded by plastics.. Even the keyboard on which I am typing. The packaging industry, which is so complex, the Tetrapak packaging which is not bio-degradable anyways, it's supposed to be convenient, but does the convenience come at the cost of lives of others?

Solutions, Solutions.. The modern civilization has become so modernized.. We have excess of everything so we don’t even care less for the impact it has on others. As long as everything works for us, we are happy. No matter if our neighbors suffer. Doesn’t really bother if our future kids are hurt.. Am I really this selfish? Is really wealth means having everything in excess, or is it means being rich in true sense and having the ability to say enough? We devise centralized solutions for small problems, increasing the complexity.. Solutions which look like this garbage dump.. A little bit of commitment from everyone does help, is anyone game?

Makes me wonder, When are we going to stop treating the symptoms and addressing the core source of the problem (i.e., the way we live)?

Friday, March 18, 2005

What is peace?

I really don't know if peace for many means absence of conflict or bliss of pure joy and love. I can't really say if peace for somebody means absence of something or eternal happiness. For, I can't really know the value of peace without conflict, and for me peace is a state of mind and an attitude to don even in conflict.

If one has to have a simple cottage or to need a hilly region for a peaceful life,, I really doubt whether he can ever achieve it as he believe that peace exists as an external entity and its location goes on shifting as we go closer searching it.. All I can say is that a little bit of introspection and a little of awareness may give a different perspective in understanding what's PEACE for an individual.. An answer to be found within oneself.. A pursuit to be done alone into oneself...

Monday, March 14, 2005

Terminator Technology-A devious Invention..

I just read about the Terminator Technology, which is genetic seed sterilization technology, promoted and in process of patenting by Monsanto. As per this kind of technology, the genetically modified seed is made sterile if planted from the seed obtained from harvest. Well, if this kind of technology is accepted and sanctioned in the society, just imagine the kind of ramifications it has. Even the birds which carry seeds wont be of any help to the society...

How many farmers would be aware that the seeds they cultivated through harvesting are sterile? Monsanto is a global company and if it propagated these seeds, doesn't it result in famines and destruction of humanity? Well, does anyone know the after effects of Genetically Modified food? Its still a untested and developing technology whose side effects are not proven yet. What would happen to the people who are caught unawares of the kind of food that's going into their system?

Life recreates itself.. How indignant it would feel if the authority of ownership of its basic right is owned by some multinational giant? How would I feel if I have to pay some MNC to carry my own child??? Feeling repulsive and pensive about the deviousness of the whole issue and thought of origin of this entire technology.

As I read some where.. Good Design starts not with thinking of what I can do but questioning what I really want to do.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

A Farewell to our Director..

we gave farewell to our Director of IMDR, Mr. A.P.Bhupatkar on the Saturday evening. Our Director is a magnificient personality whose association with IMDR It left me a little bit heavy. Though my interactions with him are few, his presence in the institute is imposing enough. He generates a feeling that he is always there for you. His simplicity, his stress on relationships, the way he carries himself often leaves me in awe. Everyone will truly miss him in the little corner of the IMDR Director room from where he used to guide us with his ideology and beliefs.

A writeup I loved reading!

SUNSCREEN- By Baz Luhrmann

“Words To Live By”-Tips From A Speech Never Given…

Ladies and Gentlemen: Wear a sunscreen. If I could offer only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The scientists have proved the long-term benefits of sunscreen; where as the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own wandering experience. I will dispense this advice now. Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth. Oh never mind. You will not understand the power and beauty of youth until they have faded. But trust me, in 20 years you will look back at photos of yourself and recall how fabulous you really looked at the time. You are not as fat as you imagine. Don’t worry about your future or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as solving an algebra equation by a chewing gum. Real troubles are apt to hit you at 4 pm on an idle Tuesday. Do one thing that daily scares you. SING; don’t be reckless with other people’s hearts. Don’t put up with people who are reckless with yours. FLOSS, remember compliments, forget insults, and keep the love letters. Throw away old bank statements. STRETCH; don’t feel guilty if you don’t know what to do with your life. Some of the most-interesting 40-year olds I know still don’t know what they want to do with theirs. Be kind to your knees. You will miss them once they are gone. May be you will marry, may be you won’t. May be you will have children, may be you won’t. May be you will divorce at 40, may be you will dance on your 75th wedding anniversary.

Whatever you do, don’t congratulate or berate yourself too much, your choices are half chances like everybody else’s. DANCE; read the instructions, even if you don’t follow them. Do not read beauty magazines. They will only make you feel ugly. Get to know your parents. You never know when they will be gone. Be wise to your siblings. They are the best link to your past and the people most likely to stick to you. Understand that friends come and go, but with the precious few, you should hold on.

The older you get, the more you need people who know you when you are young. TRAVEL; accept certain truths. Prices will rise. Politicians will philander. You too will get old. And then you will fantasize that when you were young prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders. Respect your elders. Don’t expect anyone else to support you. May be you have a trust fund. May be you have a wealth spouse. But you never know when either one may run out. Don’t mess too much with your hair, or by the time you are 40, it will look 85. Be careful about whose advice you buy but be patient with those who supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia. Dispensing it is a way of retrieving the past from the dustbin, wiping it off and recycling for more than its worth.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

The Day of the Jackal..

I was insisted by my friend to read, “The Day of the Jackal”, written by Frederick Forsyth. It tells about the story of hunting of an assassin code named Jackal, an Englishman who is hired by a secret para-military group OAS Chief, Marc to assassinate French President, General de Gaulle. The book is divided into three parts, the first describes the Summary of the Plot and selection of Jackal by Marc for the task, the second describes the laying of the Plot and the planning of the Jackal and the third describes the hunting down of Jackal by the French detective Lebel. The plot is quite interesting and description is immaculate and detailed. I find that the book has more attention to detail and a lot of description than dialogue. What engaged my interest in this incredible thriller is the convoluted and logical way in which the plot unfolds and the character of the Jackal who is described as an inhumanly methodical and deviously professional. Really enjoyed the foolproof planning that went into the design of the plot and the description of the terrorist activities. A book worth reading!

Monday, March 07, 2005

The Amul Story..

Just finished reading The Amul India Story by Ruth Herediya. The book traces the development of dairy movement in India, starting from a small place called kaira district, backed by the vision of Sardar Vallabhai Patel to build institutions like GCMMF and NDDB and the brand called Amul. The initiative and dynamism shown by Verghese Kurien-a professional manager, Tribhuvandas Patel-a visionary farmer,H.M.Dalaya- technologist to fight against all the odds is quite commendable. Book describes the toil and hardships faced by these committed individuals in shaping the co-operative movement in India through Kaira Co-operative. I was quite surprised to know that a lot of technology that involved spray drying and processing of buffalo milk was first developed in India and Amul dairy in Anand was the largest milk processing plant in Asia when it first got started. The amazing part of this co-operative is that it collects milk from direct village rimary co-operatives or the villages and does the value addition in the product and markets it. So the Villagers concentrate on producing more milk where as the GCMMF takes care of the sales and distribution part of it. This way, the rural India is enriched by the creation of micro-enterprises leading to the formation of self-sufficient and developing communities. Its truly delightful to see how a profitmaking enterprise aids in community enhancement leading to the fulfillment of the altruistic vision.Truly Amul is a dream realized through grit, passion and conviction of all the members! The triumph of rural India!!

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Bonsai Kittens, A horrifying hoax site..

I was horrified this morning to watch, which promotes animal cruelty and claims using kittens to shape their body the way a bottle is by stuffing them in a bottle, as an artistic expression of an ancient art. The humane society of US says that this website is a hoax, developed by an MIT student as a joke. Still, I was disgusted at the cruelty of the thinking and design which went into this website. An idea like this may actually propel someone to put it into practice. What do people do under the name of freedom of speech? Each law should have a self-limiting principle. Though human being is the most evolved lot of the life forms, he should recognize the responsibility which comes with it humbly rather than devising mean means of controlling the other life forms. What irritates me the most is that the site is still active. If this is what an MIT student learns as a way to joke, where lies the future?

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

A lovely Evening and a bus ride!!!!

Yesterday I went out with two of my good pals for a dinner treat. Actually it so happened that they were treating me. I don't know the reason, but do you really need a reason for receiving a treat? We went to a good place and then later, being a little on the cranky side, we brought ice creams and watched the traffic on M.G.Road in Pune sitting on the steps of Canbank ATM. Later we hitched a ride from there to Deccan and it was absolute fun! Enjoying the bumpy ride always reminds me of my childhood where I had to travel a lot on bus to reach my Granny's place.. The evening went quite blissful!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Little games that I play....

Yes true to the cliche, life has become a play and I became an actor in true sense..

Never thought of life this way,
but thinking of it makes me say,
What kind of little games do I play?

These days I am truly lost in my own world, I often have to bang on my head to say Sowms wake up, this is another Day! What to say? One more for my play?

Baalu, A Telugu movie..

I just watched a Telugu movie called Baalu at INOX theatre Pune. Well, it’s always easy to be critical about anything, but somehow I feel that the recipe for success for any movie has become same these days.

The plot becomes so recognizable that you can actually predict what’s the next dialogue is going to be. It’s the story of an Orphan who grew up with a Mafia Don, and falls for a girl who loves him for his courage and turns against the Don. Well, as usual the big Dad gets angry and kills the girl, and the guy finally takes his revenge against the Don. To add masala, another girl was added to create romance and songs..
Quite a predictable tale, isn’t it? But then it was good to watch the movie as I felt home again under the comfort of watching a movie in my mother tongue. Apart from that, listening to people in the theatre who were speaking in Telugu offered a vague comfort. No reason for feelings, right?

Monday, February 28, 2005

The Hidden Persuaders...

I just finished reading a book called The Hidden Persuaders written by Vance Packard on American Advertising world. The book realistically depicts the motivational research activities in the Advertising world to understand the irrational side of the consumers and the hidden meanings in their actions. The book brings forth a few startling facts about the new kinds of research which are carried out to sell the products. Being a Marketing student I can understand that when people buy a Nike shoes or a Harley Davidson bike, they are not just doing it for the shoe sake or for the bike, but then when I ponder over the hidden meanings I wonder how much of that is what consumer has always wanted. These meanings are created and nurtured over years by some brilliant adman and we follow them like a culture. Aren't we being puppets when we are dancing to the media influence? The book even questions the validity of these research and the morality of prying into the mind of the customer to sell things which he has never felt the need for. Yes the book answers the questions it rises by saying that the consumer develops a recognition reflex when he realizes the hidden needs the products want to target, but what about the less unfortunate consumers who fall prey to the fabulous media and buy products from which they find little use? Its a real good book which throws light on the depth of the studies conducted to understand the consumer behavior and how these studies are used to subconsciously influence the purchasing decisions of the consumers.

Here is an interesting passage about the emotional reasons for eating, excerpted from The Hidden persuaders by Vance Packard, reprinted in "Health Is Wealth" in an article called "Hidden Meanings in Food." "A lot of infantile people never get any farther than having fun with their mouths and the oral gratification field is rich in merchandising possibilities. The deeply ingrained need for intake through the mouth remains as a primary impulse and need all through adult life. People suffering from oral deprivation, because of inadequate early opportunities to gratify oral cravings, find comfort in just being surrounded by the sight of plenty of food. The craving for milk can clearly be seen in many cases to be related to the meanings of milk rather than to nutritional value or use Milk in many ways expresses the comfort, security, and contentedness of life as it was at home. Drinking it brings back memories of life that are reassuring, and offers a kind of comfort that is totally unrelated to calcium content However, those of us who scorn security, and insist our own busy, independent lives tend to find milk not particularly appealing.

Convocation and the Party at IMDR..

Well, it's convocation time at IMDR and its was lovely to see all my seniors back. We had Mushaira and a rock band on Saturday and the convocation on Sunday. On the Saturday evening, the Mushaira was good but I felt that it lacked the spice and verve it had last year.

Mushaira was followed by a rock band called Strange Brew. I felt positively weird listening to the music. I felt that it was too loud. Well the fact that Doc (As we lovingly call our faculty) was screaming at the top of his voice didn't help me much!

We had Mr. Forbes on Sunday speaking about listening to Inner Voice. It was lovely watching all seniors dressed in formals doing the prayer, pledge and receiving certificates. Young professionals indeed! Though its the second convocation which I attended at IMDR, it seems similar yet different every time. Guess it touches inner chords!

Friday, February 25, 2005

Manager, A man first..

Recently I have been reading a lot of books, and I came across a few lines in a Bigshots series book which say that to be a high achiever you got to be aggressive and should be able to take risks but there is no need to be sticking to values and rules. The one who is smart and has the ability to bend the rules will become a corporate highflier soon. Well, I understand that people who are driven by passion succeed in true sense but are people who compromise on their values become corporate highfliers? I have my own doubts! Any Manager is a man first. A man with his own set ideologies, patterns of thinking.. If a person don’t stand for what he believes, (here I mean values), I wonder the kind of achievement he makes. A person who can’t belong to himself can’t belong to anyone else too and that includes success.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Silence in Chaos...

Yes, That's the current state of mine. It seems as if I am standing in a chaos and don't understand what's happening around me. Life is rolling in a slow pace at IMDR, and with two more months to bid farewell, suddenly I find myself doing nothing productive. Yes I am reading a lot of books to kill the leisure but I am absolutely doing nothing which puts my creative skills to work. Just trying to enjoy leisure.. This weekend is supposed to be full of verve as its convocation time at IMDR, but somehow I fail to identify myself with it. May be I am getting effected by the inactivity bug! It seems as if I am surrounded by deadening silence and no where to go! People say Silence speaks, but for me, at times, it haunts!

Being rich in true sense..

Through a lot of discussions I had, I came to wonder what's being rich? Is being rich means having loads of material wealth, most of which you don't really put to use? Is rich means having a lot of comfort in life that everything comes to your footsteps and you don't even move your body? Or is being rich means being in content with what one has, having the ability to say enough, enjoying little things of life, having a rich inner life which is reflected through outward actions? Somehow, I find myself being evaluated on the kind of possessions or money I possess rather than the kind of individual I am. Does this really have meaning for me? Somehow, being rich for me is having self-worth which is not affected by an alien, having the courage and confidence to stand for one's values and the ability to make a positive difference in the world through a meaningful existence. As Gandhi says, " Nature provides for everyone's need, not greed".. I muse on the meaning of being rich if it doesn't lead to an enriching life.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

A display of Intent and Interest..

We have a course this trimester called Indigenous Management, taught by our director Mr. Bhupatkar. As a part of this,I had to study the traditional copperware industry in Pune. I paid two visits to the Paud Chowk and Manik Chowk in Pune and the findings are eyeopeners. They showed me, how the traditional enterprises stood the test of times and how the Indian artisans adapted their skills and talent to manufacture worldclass products. These traditional copperware workers who used to manufacture waterheaters, utensils used their skills to design contemporary articles like flower vases, decorative articles etc and they are also exporting it to other countries like Dubai, Holland defying the modren marketing fundas like promotions, advertising, sales rooted in a small region. Hats off to their fighter spirit!! What interested me is that they are several families which are involved in this work since centuries and they carry their work with passion and pride. They are a real happier lot and their publicity happens through word of mouth. Guess their happiness lies in the quality of life they have and the interest they show in the work they do. Their intent to do something, their struggle to survive the changing times.. Really impressive!

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Control of Technology on life

I think apart from increasing convenience of Human Life, Technology has increased dependence of Man on it. It actually has taken control over my life and I am unaware of it and am wrapped in nice little lies that I am technofreak!

Technology has made Man so isolated and lonely that we need its help to get connected and stay connected. Can't I feel connected to the world if its not through Cellphone and Internet? Can't I enjoy little joys of life, my interaction with dew covered roses, paper boats and the misty rains? All these questions are best answered within ourselves. The answer lies in not going to primitive ages but being beware and aware of our use of technology. Its a matter of Who is in control of whom and Who runs our life?

Monday, February 14, 2005

Bilbo's Last Song by J.R.R. Tolkien

Day is ended, dim my eyes,
but journey long before me lies.
Farewell, friends! I hear the call.
The ship's beside the stony wall.
Foam is white and waves are grey;
beyond the sunset leads my way.
Foam is salt, the wind is free;
I hear the rising of the Sea.

Farewell, friends! The sails are set,
the wind is east, the moorings fret.
Shadows long before me lie,
beneath the ever-bending sky,
but islands lie behind the Sun
that I shall raise ere all is done;
lands there are to west of West,
where night is quiet and sleep is rest.

Guided by the Lonely Star,
beyond the utmost harbour-bar,
I'll find the heavens fair and free,
and beaches of the Starlit Sea.
Ship, my ship! I seek the West,
and fields and mountains ever blest.
Farewell to Middle-earth at last.
I see the Star above my mast!

Friday, February 11, 2005

Technology got no values..

I personally feel that Technology doesn't come up with values attached. So its no point in discussing which does more damage, a bike or a knife. Technology becomes advanced and more complex as our expectations from it increases and our curiosity, innovative spirit gets the best of the Human mind to explore new terrains of comfortable life.

Here I feel that the basic issue is to successfully marry technological advances into the culture or values of the society s technology doesn't come with values attached. Or else we go on creating more complex and complicated technology which is soul less and valueless. They may give us comfort but then they will take out the essence of life.

Regarding the argument that being tech-savvy becomes a status Symbol issue, All I have to say is that if we measure ourselves through the Society's Parameters, we end on doing things as a custom which may be personally nonsensical. No issues on that, but we need to be aware of our needs and actions!

Sunday, February 06, 2005

BLACK… A movie full of grit and emotion!

I am impressed by the beautiful way in which BLACK is made. Truly it’s a movie, which sets a standard by strong characters, powerful story line and the artistic way of presentation. The movie depicts a deaf and blind girl and her relationship with her teacher, and how she graduates in spite of her shortcomings. Rani Mukherjee and Amitabh Bachan play their roles with ease. Ayesha Kapur who plays the childhood role of Rani Mukherjee gave a remarkable performance. The movie is touching and awe-inspiring! Hats off to Sanjay Leela Bhansali.

Monday, January 31, 2005

In Companionship with Nature!

Today is one of the most beautiful days of life. Though I say that happiness is a state of mind, the day went in quite well.. I have no words to express the exquisite joy I felt in experiencing the day. Morning I had a lovely walk in the Kamala Nehru Park and had a nice tea with my daily Daily. The day was picture perfect and quite pleasant. I experimented with Rajma and was just about to doze off when a friend of mine rang me up. We went to the Osho Theerth Park, which is otherwise known as the Naala Park. Wow! I have no words to describe the eternal bliss I felt being at the park. The songs of birds, the mild rumbling of trees and the flowing water…Never knew that a park could be so beautiful. It looked so natural and perfect. I just wondered how would the world look like if I find such scenic beauty everywhere instead of concrete jungles. How to describe the surreal experience of joy and love? Words fail me!

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Finding Neverland..

Today I saw a lovely movie called “Finding Neverland”.. The movie is about a playwright and it depicts his strength of belief that everything is possible with imagination. Barrie, the playwright who is the creator of Peterpan is a child at heart who believes in dreams and imagination. The movie depicts how the playwright makes friendship with a widow and her kids, the way he encourages them to color their world with imagination and how he makes a very successful drama and creates an enchanting world of Neverland drawing inspiration from them. A movie which is so touching and moving… Worth watching!

Saturday, January 29, 2005

A Poem with a Soul!

Just read about Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Robert Browning's love story and got to understand the meaning and sense in this poem.. I read it aloud and felt the experience of love! Really its a poem with a Soul..

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with a passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints, --- I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life! --- and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.

By Elizabeth Barret Browning

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Science, Technology and Ecology....

Its been a long time since I sat in a class and this topic came up coz its an elective subject for this current trimester. I have absolutely no idea what this elective is going to be and I kept quiet in the whole class like a dumb soul.. If one asks me what's your take on this issue, I have to say that I got a lot of fragmented thoughts. Well today I heard a lot of interesting observations to say the least and could see the interconnections among these terms. Science as something which is understood and technology as application of science to satisfy our current needs. Where does ecology figure in? It gets impacted by the influence of science and technology on man, his relationships and the processes which influence his quality of life. All this seem so complicated, but still it makes sense when I brood a lot on this issues. Well, one can ask the relevance of this topic, all I have to say is that science and technology in the current times have influenced the lifestyles and do dictate the standard of life. Somehow I feel that they make me dispassionate over their influence on the ecological system and I feel more distant from the relationship I have with Ecology. Guess I think this is worth pondering over, just to evaluate my stand on these issues as awareness defines maturity of thought process for me.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

A car for one lakh in India???!!!!!

I have just read the interview of Ratan Tata in Business World where he talks about one of the most ambitious projects of the Tata Group, the one-lakh car. Felt very happy reading that it would be slightly bigger than Maruti 800 and would conform to the Indian Safety norms. I hope this would revolutionize Indian transport the way Ford’s Model T has done. I have a lot of respect for the Tata Group for their employee-concerned and the low power distance culture with a strong focus on social responsibility. His views on Indian Manufacturing are eye openers and awe-inspiring for the budding entrepreneurs. I guess three years would be worth the wait for their concept car, which would help the Indian public drive their way to revolution!

Thursday, January 20, 2005

The Story of a Woodcutter...

Hey today I read a good story in the Tata Motors employee magazine…

Its about a wood cutter who works under a timber merchant. On the first day he fells 18 trees and the boss is quite pleased. Next day he tries very hard but could fell only 15 trees, the next day 10…and the number keeps on decreasing. He feels bad and incompetent but he can’t understand the reason . So he goes to his boss and complains of his failure. Then his boss questions him, when did u last sharpened your axe? His reply was well, I was so immersed in cutting trees that I got no time to sharpen my axe…

This story hit a nerve. Many times I resolve myself to the pattern of work out here that I really forget to sharpen my axe, to use my brain and to think differently. May be everyone needs a shelter to save oneself from the tensions of the day and to unwind too. Did u sharpen your axe today?

Monday, January 17, 2005

Exams Exams!!!!

Yup! My favorite pass time is back! Got exams from 19th till 21st. At least I would touch those 2 kg textbooks again for reference. Actually I am not against the spirit of exams, only the manner of conducting them. I just feel that the question and answer pattern of exams is just the trashy thing if those questions don’t make one to apply the concepts. Somehow I feel that giving theoretical questions in written exams makes one remember it only for exams. And the rating system encourages unhealthy competition too. Classroom evaluation and the internal assessment is quite a lot better but who will account for the incompetent lecturers? I think that exams should be a judicious mix of individual assignments, and student’s ability of application of concepts rather than having a system that puts student’s memory to test. What say?

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Familiarity, does it actually breed contempt?

Well, as it happens I fail to see the wisdom in the sentence “familiarity breeds contempt”. I strongly opine, familiarity doesn’t breed contempt.. It actually encourages companionship.

My idea of life and priorities:

I prefer to say that I value brutal frankness in any relationship and freedom.. the freedom to share what ever you feel.. and the relationship should be pure that you can share your feelings.. and in the same way, you should respect other’s feelings and opinions… This calls for mutual dependency, which is really rare in Indian settings.. Ever wonder why it happens? It is because of the long barriers erected among people on basis of hierarchy, modesty and what not? If I cant really express what I feel to my dad, why the hell do I need one, just to provide for my pocket?

My theory of origin for contempt:

I think that basically contempt arises from familiarity because people play games with others.. According to me, every person is insecure. And added to that, he is a social animal… He needs company to survive and to feel that he is alive, but he doesn’t want others to control him.. at this stage, its fine.. the problem arises when he tries to control others.. Here, let me distinguish between power of control and power of love..

When you have the power of control over someone, you feel safe because you know the limits of the game, you know the weaknesses of the person and you bask at the power you have on him.

In the other case, in the power of love, you give the other person an equal change to decide and here power you have on him depends on the value he places on your relationship, which is always uncertain… Correct me if I am wrong. Since the uncertainty and the chances that you lose are high, no one cares to really love anyone, love for the person’s sake.. So people commonly try to lay their own rules and establish their own domains and hierarchy of control. It is because it makes them feel safe and secure..

Finally, its not the familiarity which breeds contempt but the way in which we establish and maintain relationships, the little ways in which we play games with ourselves and with the world.. Think on it..

Monday, January 10, 2005

Marriage- A funny role play!

People marry because they want to become secure.. To feel that they can come home to someone.. And also they own certain rights on the other person which guarantees a certain commitment. I have absolutely no issues on the reasons as to why people marry and I do believe in the institution of the marriage, but I just want to be a little bit critical about it.

Marriage becomes intolerable when people cant transgress the boundaries of the relationships and do a roleplay which may not gel with their real personalities. Yes I do agree that rules and unwritten norms do exist but then one has to know when to come out of them. If wife has to take the role of a wife and husband has to act like one, wife has to please the other person and she has to adjust and mould according to him. And the husband bechara has to appear strong, and he has to defend his territory ,no? That’s the basic reason why men don’t like to come into kitchen- that’s wife’s job. The guy may feel as if he is ran down by 1000 trucks, but he has to put a brave face and be pleasant, why is that hypocrisy? What do one ultimately expect of life? The big joke is he thinks its because he loves his family, which is okay with me, but he ultimately deceives himself with an entirely wrong notion of love where he actually wants control over his family!

Even I long to feel secure, I don't want to lose my identity, independence and freedom: My spirit and enthusiasm which basically define my identity. May be I live in an idealistic world fantasizing that there is a person for me who will respect my identity. But if I like to have a realistic picture, is it really possible? I find that hope is a painful thing as it paints a romantic picture out of draconian surroundings.

Well,love should make life worthwhile..You grow by it. You learn the fun of giving and taking. One has to be aware of the role play and the unmentioned boundaries they set for themselves. Understanding the unwritten norms leads to awareness and helps in creating mature relationships. Am I being dreamy? If so that's the way I am!

Friday, January 07, 2005

Marriage-A Bond for life!

I was a little engrossed in thought related to marriages. Its real fun to see the way in which marriages happen in our country. On oneside extreme we have the so called love marriages where in the other end we have the arranged marriages which supply the feel good factor to everyone. Recently one of my friends had a love marriage where in the parents from either side were forced to comply. And one of my friends opted for an arranged marriage to make his parents happy. Looking at both the cases, I started thinking about the institution of marriage. Is it an agreement between two people to share life together or is it for convenience of the society. I agree that arranged marriages reduce the insecurities between the two families but does that really ensure a true bondage between the two people who choose to spend their life together. Institution of marriage enhances itself if there is a little bit of understanding and compatibility between the two. I hope that every couple has an opportunity to examine that before they enter into their vows of lifetime commitment. As someone says, Even a minor acquaintance can make people enter into marriage but in order to take divorce, one has to truly understand the other. Irony but true.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

My New year celebrations!!

This new year has been real grand for me as I was in home for around 10 days. Incidentally I was home for my mamma's birthday and the day went in quite happily. This new year brought in quite a lot of good news, two of my good friends got placed in their dream companies and one has marriage on cards. What more can I expect in just a week of the start. I was wondering of wishing happy new year to everyone when everyday seemed just the same. But then the spirit of celebration, the joy of welcoming new experiences, the lessons of past; all that really keep the spirit of freshness and excitement. Wish you all a real happy new year blessed with success, joy and prosperity!

My Prejudices for Hospitals!

I just want to recount my phobia of hospitals through this post. I got selected for TCS during last year Dec 1st to join by June. That was fine until I saw the offer letter where in that offer was subject to Medical Test. All that reminded me of the typical hospital environment and that peculiar disinfectant smell. Believe me, it was not that comfortable idea to spend 5 hours in a Hospital where you have to rush through different departments inquiring indifferent and irate ward assistants. Somehow I am very biased for hospitals, more so because I feel really helpless before their ultimate authority and they seriously seem lacking in the E factor-Empathy. Somehow I could bring myself out of hospital in one piece after 5 hours in one piece as usual with a prayer-God never send me to hospitals again!