Friday, March 18, 2005

What is peace?

I really don't know if peace for many means absence of conflict or bliss of pure joy and love. I can't really say if peace for somebody means absence of something or eternal happiness. For, I can't really know the value of peace without conflict, and for me peace is a state of mind and an attitude to don even in conflict.

If one has to have a simple cottage or to need a hilly region for a peaceful life,, I really doubt whether he can ever achieve it as he believe that peace exists as an external entity and its location goes on shifting as we go closer searching it.. All I can say is that a little bit of introspection and a little of awareness may give a different perspective in understanding what's PEACE for an individual.. An answer to be found within oneself.. A pursuit to be done alone into oneself...


Anonymous said...

Nice to see your bolg...where are you now a days....
Didn't find any addition after you left IMDR.....

Rani Sowmya said...

Thanks for the comment. I will keep it in mind and try to be more frequent.